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Adult ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression - Is there a link?

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A new study published in Scientific Reports reveals a definitive link between ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Research from scientists at the University of Bath in the UK found that adults with significant ADHD symptoms had greater likelihoods of experiencing anxiety and depression than their peers who had significant symptoms of autism. 

The lead author of the study, Luca Hargitai, said: "Scientists have long known that autism is linked to anxiety and depression, but ADHD has been...

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Multitasking: Time Saver or Productive Restlessness?

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Do you have a long  list of things to complete? Do you ever complete that list? How fast can you check each item off? Does your “to do” list make you feel overwhelmed?

Some people boast about being excellent multitaskers. We include it on our resumes when applying to new jobs because we think it makes us appear more productive. At school or work, we join committees and volunteer for more hours. We make a long list of tasks to get done on the weekends. 

Saying we are a multitasker...

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No Excuses! Become your own Influencer!

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Lately there has been an explosion of media influencers who are ADHD awareness advocates. Videos on Tik Tok and Facebook have been popping up explaining how and why people with ADHD act the way they do. These influencers are sharing their struggles and successes, making it easy for people with ADHD to relate and get to know themselves better. 

However, be advised that social media influencers are not experts. This applies not only to ADHD, but for virtually any area of which someone is...

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Dancing Your Way to Brain Health

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Can ballroom dancing fend off dementia?

A new study in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity and reported in The Conversation offers promise of improving brain health through social ballroom dancing. Here’s the full article:

The big idea

Social ballroom dancing can improve cognitive functions and reduce brain atrophy in older adults who are at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. That’s the key finding of my team’s recently published study in the...

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