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More Screen Time Linked to Delayed Development

2023 04 19 092014

An article recently published in the NY Times cited research indicating that more screen time is linked to delayed development in babies. 

“One-year-olds exposed to more than four hours of screen time a day experienced developmental delays in communication and problem-solving skills at ages 2 and 4, according to a study published today in The Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics.”

This information is critically important for parents with young children.  However, the effects of screen time should also be examined throughout our lifetime - especially for those with ADHD.  Individuals with ADHD tend to struggle with impulse control and have a higher risk of excessive screen use. 

Screen time can have both positive and negative effects on individuals with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). It's important to note that the impact of screen time can vary greatly from person to person, depending on factors such as the type of screen activity, duration, and individual characteristics. 

Here are some potential effects:

Positive Effects:

Educational Opportunities:
Screen time can provide access to educational materials, apps, and games that are designed to help individuals with ADHD improve their focus, organization, and learning skills.

Therapeutic Apps: Some individuals with ADHD benefit from apps and programs that are specifically designed to provide cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or mindfulness-based interventions to manage ADHD symptoms.

Harnessing cutting-edge NASA-inspired technology, Play Attention offers a sophisticated platform for improving executive function and self-regulation. Through our digital trainer, you can control personalized cognitive exercises using just your mind! Additionally, your program comes complete with a dedicated Personal Executive Function Coach who will tailor your plan as you progress. 

Research conducted at Tufts University School of Medicine demonstrates that Play Attention improves attention, behavior, executive function, and overall school performance. Click here to schedule your Live Demo and witness Play Attention in action!

Visual Supports: Visual schedules, timers, and reminders on screens can assist with time management and task completion, which are common challenges for individuals with ADHD.

Entertainment and Relaxation: Screen time can serve as a source of relaxation and entertainment, helping individuals unwind and reduce stress, which can be especially important for those with ADHD who often have heightened levels of anxiety.

Negative Effects:

Reduced Attention Span:
Excessive screen time, particularly with fast-paced or highly stimulating content, can contribute to a shorter attention span, which can exacerbate ADHD symptoms.

Impaired Sleep: The use of screens before bedtime can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to sleep difficulties, which can further worsen attention and hyperactivity issues in individuals with ADHD.

Increased Impulsivity: Social media and video games can encourage impulsive behavior, which is a core symptom of ADHD. Excessive use can exacerbate these tendencies.

Reduced Physical Activity: Extended screen time can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with various health problems. Physical activity is important for managing ADHD symptoms, so a lack of it can be detrimental.

Disrupted Routine: Excessive screen time can disrupt daily routines and responsibilities, making it difficult for individuals with ADHD to manage their time effectively.

It's important to emphasize that moderation and balance are key. Parents and individuals with ADHD should work together to establish healthy screen time guidelines. Some strategies to consider include:

Setting Limits: Establish specific time limits for screen use each day.

Choosing Quality Content: Encourage the use of educational or skill-building apps and games.

Creating Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas of the home as screen-free, especially bedrooms.

Promoting Physical Activity: Encourage regular physical activity as part of the daily routine.

Screen-Free Wind-Down: Avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime to improve sleep.

Monitoring Usage: Keep an eye on screen time and ensure it doesn't interfere with daily responsibilities or face-to-face interactions.

Seeking Professional Guidance: If you have concerns about the impact of screen time on ADHD symptoms, consult with a healthcare provider or therapist for personalized recommendations and interventions.

Ultimately, the effects of screen time on individuals with ADHD depend on how it is managed and integrated into their daily lives. When used mindfully and in moderation, screens can provide benefits, but excessive and unregulated screen time can lead to negative consequences for those with ADHD.

Contact us and learn how we can provide positive screen time through Play Attention.  This is productive screen time that will empower you and allow you to make ADHD your superpower.  

Click here to schedule your Live Demo and witness Play Attention in action!