Play-Attention-Logo500 The journal Pediatrics (PEDIATRICS Volume 133,  Number 3,  March 2014) - Play Attention - turn your ADHD into Superpowers be1f0565da126d2e72d40a0b40c2082a_membership200 The journal Pediatrics (PEDIATRICS Volume 133,  Number 3,  March 2014) - Play Attention - turn your ADHD into Superpowers SpaceCertificationLogo The journal Pediatrics (PEDIATRICS Volume 133,  Number 3,  March 2014) - Play Attention - turn your ADHD into Superpowers

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The journal Pediatrics (PEDIATRICS Volume 133, Number 3, March 2014)

This peer reviewed journal discusses a six month follow up review of a study performed on Play Attention by the prestigious  Tufts School of Medicine in the Boston Public Schools. Play Attention is termed “Neurofeedback” in the article. The researchers found that, ” Neurofeedback  participants made more prompt and greater improvements in ADHD symptoms, which were sustained at the 6-month follow-up, than did CT participants or those in the control group. This finding suggests that neurofeedback is a promising attention training treatment for children with ADHD.”